This is a private tramping or hiking and trail running blog. In New Zealand, Tramping means Hiking! All tramping tracks or trail running tracks listed in this website were walked or run and recorded by Derek. The “Total Time” in each post was the time we walked at that time circumstances. You may take longer or quicker. Schedule your time according to your pace! The purpose of this blog is to give some ideas and reference to people who need a complete walk or trail running plan without doing unknown explore.

Note: This blog is just for fun. Always give priority to DOC information or information from local information centre! English is not my mother language, so just LOL if you read any funny sentences…

You can find a hiking or trail running track by using the menu “All Tramping Tracks” and “All Trail Running Tracks”. Also you can search or from the main menu classified by difficulty rating and by area.

This website should 100% compatible with Safari and Google Chrome, and mobile accessible! Please do not copy or download any content of this website without permission! Social link share is welcomed.

Welcome to visit my YouTube channel

Take nothing but pictures! Leave nothing but footsteps! Wash your hiking boots and Poles after each hiking before you walk another track in New Zealand! Always treat New Zealand’s forests, streams, lakes and birds with care and respect. They are unique and often rare! Thank you!