Trails: Falls Road road end car park – Cossey Gorge Track (or Cosseys Gorge Track on some maps) – Massey Track – Wairoa Cossey Track (or Wairoa Cosseys Track on some maps) – Suspension Bridge Track or Loop – Wairoa Dam – return back to Wairoa Cossey Track – Massey Track – Cosseys Dam – Cossey Gorge Track – back to car park.
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Max elevation: 409 m
Min elevation: 53 m
Total climbing: 1013 m
Total descent: -1013 m
Average speed: 4.26 km/h
Total time: 06:30:39
Total flat distance: 20.1 km, Climbing distance: 8.2 km, Descent distance: 8.5 km, Flat distance: 3.5 km, Maximum difference: 356 m, Final balance: 0 m. Elevation corrected by ST3.
Difficulty Rating: 3.4 – 3.74 M+
The “Total Time” is my time in November which includes tea time and lunch time and breaks. That day was cloudy then rain. Wairoa Cossey Track was very muddy and slippery in that day. If you slow down to average 3.0 km/h plus 60 min stop then the total time will be around 8:00 hrs.For more detailed information, please go to my old post .
For more detailed information, please go to my old post Cossey Gorge Track to Massey Track to Wairoa Cossey Track return loop in Hunua.